"Trust in Yahweh with all your heart; Do not rely on your own insight. " - Prov 3:5 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer 29:11

Sunday 26 February 2017


Ecclesiastes 3:11 - He has made everything suitable for its time

Nothing happens to you by accident when you seek God in your life. Even a “chance” meeting with someone is part of His plan to set in motion His blessings in your life.

Such was the divinely arranged meeting of the Shunammite woman and Prophet Elisha. She had a “miracle child” even though she was barren and her husband was old. (2 Kings 4:8–17) A few years later, her son fell seriously ill and died — Elisha raised her son back to life. (2 Kings 4:18–37)

When God is the one orchestrating the events in your life, neither lack nor danger nor destruction can affect you. When famine hit the land, the Shunammite woman’s family did not suffer because through Elisha, God had told them to leave the land. (2 Kings 8:1–2)

God can place you at the right place at the right time. The Shunammite woman returned to Shunem after the famine had ended. She then decided to appeal to the king of Israel for help to regain her house and land, which had been illegally acquired by others during her absence.

The king wanted to hear all about the miracles performed by Elisha. This gave the Shunammite woman the opportunity to share first-hand with the king how Elisha had raised her son from the dead. The thrilled king then ordered the restoration of her house and land, including all the proceeds of the field from the day that she had left until then. (2 Kings 8:3–6) The Lord had timed and set up everything beautifully for her!

Thought for the day!
God can also make all things beautiful in its time for you. As you involve Him in your daily life and trust His love for you, you too will see Him lead and place you at the right place at the right time to enjoy His blessings.


3 John (1) : 2 - Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul.

You have seen much and done much with God by your side. You have prayed all kinds of prayers too. So what would you place as top priority when you pray for people?

When the apostle John wrote 3 John, he was probably the only disciple of the original 12 who was still alive. And now, after all he had heard, seen and experienced, the apostle John prioritized, above all things, health as well as holistic wellbeing. He knew the Lord’s heartbeat.

The apostle John was the one who leaned on the Lord’s bosom on the night of the Last Supper. And I believe that there on Jesus’ bosom, he must have felt the heartbeat of the Son of God — that loving and compassionate heartbeat which had caused Jesus to go about “doing good and healing all” (Acts 10:38). In fact, two-thirds of Jesus’ ministry on earth had to do with healing the sick.

Jesus had prioritized divine healing during His earthly ministry. And Jesus, who is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), will do the same for us today. His heart still beats for us. He will never miss an opportunity to do good to us, to heal us of our broken body, emotional scars and weary spirit, and to bless us!

Thought for the day!
The Lord wants and will always want health and wholeness for His people "just as it is well with the soul" 


Luke 5:4 - When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch."

God wants to bless you — big-time! It was for this reason that He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” The deep is where you will find a whole lot of fish. You won’t find them near the shore in shallow waters. But to launch out into the deep is to move away from the comfort of the shoreline.

God wants you to break away from your comfort zone and step out in faith to do what He has put in your heart. It may be something simple, but which you have never done before or only dreamt of.

Now, our Lord Jesus who said, “Launch out into the deep…” also said, “…let down your nets for a catch.” Notice that He used the plural “nets” and not the singular “net”. God wants to give you more than what you need. His dream for you is bigger than anything you can ever dream of. Dream big and God will exceed your dream because He delights in giving you exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)

God wants to bless you beyond your wildest dreams. He did it for Simon who was astonished at the size of the catch of fish. (Luke 5:9) But it was not until Simon launched out into the deep that he ended up with the net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish. (Luke 5:6–7) You, too, will be astonished at your catch when you step out of your comfort zone and launch out into the deep with the Lord!

Thought for the day!
Break away from your comfort zone and step out in faith to do what God has put in your heart!


Luke 2:10–11 - But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see — I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord.

If all is silent and dark in your life now, and you feel like you have been left out in the cold, just know that Jesus came to be your Saviour at such a time as this. Because, "to you He is born" ... That's very personal!

He was not born in the comfort of a warm, cosy room, but in a cold manger. Jesus was born very quietly, so quietly that the Bible says that only a group of shepherds came to Him, while the rest of Bethlehem slept. (Luke 2:6–9). Like manna falling quietly from heaven in the Old Testament, the true bread from heaven came quietly. It was a silent night, but that was not all.

Jesus was also born during the darkest time in Israel’s history. Israel was under the tyrannical rule of the Romans. It was during this time, when everything was so dark, that Jesus was born. Yes, He will come to you even in the darkest period of your life.

On that cold and silent night, the shepherds were afraid when the angel of the Lord stood before them and announced the glad tidings of great joy. But He was not a judge or law-giver who was born. He was a mighty Saviour. He came to save His people.

Thought for the day!
He came to save you and me personally. So even if you are in a cold, dark period of your life, don’t be afraid—the Saviour has come and He will save you!

Sunday 19 February 2017


Psalm 127:2 - It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives sleep to his beloved.

Are you one of those who have trouble sleeping at night? God “gives His beloved sleep”. Who are His beloved? You and I! Because we are in Christ, we are His beloved. (Ephesians 1:6; 2 Thessalonians 2:13)

God says, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows…” In other words, it is pointless to worry and lose sleep because the truth is, “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labour in vain. Unless the LORD guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain. (Psalm 127:1)

So let God be the one who builds your career and watches over your financial investments. Let Him be the one who guards your health, marriage and children. Don’t worry and stay up late as if you are the source of the blessing, or the one who has the power to make things happen and save the situation. No, God is the one and He says to you, “My beloved child, throw that care to Me and go to sleep.” And while you are sleeping, He is working on your situation. He, who neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:3–4), works the night shift for you as you sleep!

Let God take over. But when we actually do, casting all our cares, anxieties and worries once and for all into His hands, we will see how He cares for us affectionately and watchfully. (1 Peter 5:7) We will see Him taking care of our problems and working things out for good. (Romans 8:28)

Thought for the day!
Trust your Father’s love for you. Cast your cares on Him and have no more sleepless nights


Psalm 91:14 - Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name.

Jesus was in a house in Bethany when a woman came to Him with an alabaster flask containing very costly fragrant oil. She poured the oil on His head. (Mt 26:6–7) This woman loved the Lord.

But those who were present considered what she did a great waste because the oil could have been sold for an amount equal to one year’s wages, and the money given to the poor instead. Even Jesus’ disciples were indignant and asked her, “Why this waste?” (Matthew 26:8)

But Jesus defended her, saying, “Why do you trouble the woman? She has performed a good service for me.” (Mt 26:10). Not only that, He accorded her the highest honour when He added, “Truly I tell you, wherever this good news is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her." (Mt 26:13)

Many kings and rulers have come and gone. Their great acts have faded from the memories of men. But what this woman did for Jesus is still told today around the world as a memorial to her!

When you get a revelation of how much Jesus loves you, you will act out of love for Him, and though others may see it as a waste of time, energy or money, He will defend you and deliver you from your critics. He will also set you on high. Your ministry will become powerful and life-changing. You will be highly esteemed; you will be prominent and highly successful. And it will not just be a job that you have, but a position of influence to impact many lives.

Thought for the day!
When you set your love upon Jesus and act out of love for Him, He will defend, deliver and set you on high!


Psalm 103:4 – who (the Lord) redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy

Four women indicated in the genealogy of Jesus (Mt 1:1–16) (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba), were women who had questionable backgrounds. Yet, it was from the line of these women that the Messiah came, being born of the Virgin Mary.

So what is God telling us? He is telling us that He is greater than our sins—where sin abounds, His grace abounds much more (Romans 5:20). His grace is greater than our sins, so that even when the world disqualifies us, He can qualify us, by His grace, to receive His blessings!

God is also saying that He is a God of many chances. These women’s stories show us that even when our troubles are of our own making, they are neither final nor fatal. When we turn to Him, He will turn our situations around until we see His glory upon us!

Finally, God is saying that He is a God of supernatural favours. Even when all our earthly positions fade out, the moment we turn to Him, He will find ways to turn our bondages into blessings.

Don’t look at your natural circumstances and be discouraged. Trust the One “who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy”

Thought for the day!
Trust Him who qualifies the disqualified! When we return to Him, He can qualify us, by His grace, to receive His blessings!