"Trust in Yahweh with all your heart; Do not rely on your own insight. " - Prov 3:5 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer 29:11

Sunday 13 October 2013

The disciples were called Christians

The people our Lord Jesus Christ selected to travel with him and follow him were referred to as disciples or followers of Jesus Christ.
Do you know when they were referred as  "Christians" for the first time.
"The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. "                                                    Acts:11:26 
It is said that when the disciples of Jesus Christ walked across their streets, they looked like Christ. All their activities were just like how Christ would do, that people looked at them and said they look like Christ, they are Christ-like, they are Christians. We who call ourself Christians, do you think outside people would be able to identify us as Christ-like, Christian.

Yes being a Christian is so tough. There is a lot of expectation set on us. 

In my school days, a group of us didn't complete our homework and the when my class teacher came. she looked at me and said "You are a Christian and how could you be so playful". I felt so sad as she scolded only me even though so many didn't complete their work.

I was working for a project in my college and i can honestly say i had put maximum effort in my class, I was given a new technology to learn and do a project on the same while others worked on known technologies.
With not much help i struggled day and night to complete the work and all my friends couldn't believe that i was able to complete it and congratulated me. When my project was evaluated, the reviewer showed me that i didn't handle a small workflow and said "You are a Christian right , didn't expect this from you". I felt devastated after all the hard work. 
I thought to myself if God let me down or i let God down.

Yes, we have so much expectations. We cannot meet the expectations with only our hard work, we need Christ's help in every walk of our life to match such a expectation. To be Christians and to be Christ-like. 

If not all our activities, let us start with some activities and try to look like Christ for we are Christians.

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