"Trust in Yahweh with all your heart; Do not rely on your own insight. " - Prov 3:5 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer 29:11

Tuesday 5 November 2013

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” ~ Psalm 8:1,

Here below are some of the Jehovah's name. As we go through the list , let us meditate upon each one and allow His Spirit to show us how He has reveled each one to us personally.
  • Jehovah Yahweh The Lord God - Self-Existence: I AM Exodus 3: 14; 6:2,3
  • Jehovah Adonai  The Lord God Master Genesis 15:2,18:3 ,Malachi 1:6
  • Jehovah Adon Kal Ha’arets – The Lord, the Lord of All the Earth Joshua 3:11
  • Jehovah Bara – The Lord Creator Isaiah 40:28
  • Jehovah Chatsahi -Lord my stength  - Psalm 27: 1
  • Jehovah Chezeq – The Lord My Strength Psalm 18:1
  • Jehovah Chereb – The Lord . . the Sword Deut. 33:29
  • Jehovah Eohim - My creator Gen 1:1
  • Jehovah Eli – The Lord My God Psalm 18:2, Mk 15:34
  • Jehovah El Shaddai - My God Allmighty- Stength giver Gen 17: 1
  • Jehovah Elyon – The Lord Most High Genesis 14:18
  • Jehovah El Elyon - Lord Most High Psalm 38:2
  • Jehovah El olam(Helech 'Olam) My everasting Lord- Gen 21: 33, Psalm 10:16
  • Jehovah ‘Ez-Lami – The Lord My Strength Psalm 28:7
  • Jehovah Gador Milchamah – The Lord Might in Battle Psalm 24:8
  • Jehovah Ganan – The Lord Our Defense Psalm 89:18
  • Jehovah Go’el – The Lord Thy Redeemer Isaiah 49:26; 60:16
  • Jehovah Hashopet – The Lord the Judge Judges 6:27,11:27
  • Jehovah Hoshe’ah – The Lord Saves Psalm 20:9
  • Jehovah Hamelech – The Lord the King Psalm 98:6
  • Jehovah ‘Immeku – The Lord Is with you Judges 6:12
  • Jehovah ‘Izoz Hakaboth – The Lord Strong and Mighty Psalm 24:8
  • Jehovah Jireh The Lord will Provide Genesis 22:14 Ijohn 4:9 Philip 4:19
  • Jehovah Kabodhi – The Lord My Glory Psalm 3:3
  • Jehovah Kanna – The Lord Whose Name is Jealous Exodus 34:14
  • Jehovah Keren-Yish’i – The Lord the Horn of My Salvation Psalm 18:2
  • Jehovah M'Kddesh - My Sanctifier Lev 20:7-8, I Corinthins 1:30
  • Jehovah Machsi – The Lord My Refuge Psalm 91:9
  • Jehovah Magen – The Lord, the Shield Gen 15:1 ,Deut. 33:29
  • Jehovah Ma’oz – The Lord . . . My Fortress Jeremiah 16:19
  • Jehovah Melech ‘Olam – The Lord King Forever Psalm 10:16
  • Jehovah Mephalti – The Lord My Deliverer Psalm 18:2
  • Jehovah M’gaddishcem – The Lord Our Sanctifier Exodus 31:13
  • Jehovah Metsodhathi – The Lord. . . . My Fortress Psalm 18:2
  • Jehovah Misqabbi – The Lord My High Tower Psalm 18:2
  • Jehovah Naheh – The Lord that Smiteth Ezekiel 7:9
  • Jehovah Nissi – The Lord Our Banner nd Victory Exodus 17:15 I Chronicles 29:11-13
  • Jehovah ‘Ori – The Lord My Light Psalm 27:1
  • Jehovah Rapha – The Lord that Healeth Exodus 15:26, Isaiah 53, 4-5
  • Jehovah Rohi – The Lord My Shepherd Psalm 23:1
  • Jehovah Saboath – The Lord of Hosts I Samuel 1:3
  • Jehovah Sel’i – The Lord My Rock Psalm 18:2
  • Jehovah Shalom – The Lord Our Peace Judges 6:24, Isaiah 49:26, Rom 8:31-35
  • Jehovah Shammah – My abididng Place The Lord is There Ezekiel 48:35, Heb 13:5
  • Jehovah Tiskenu – The Lord Our Righteousness Jeremiah 23:6, I Cor 1:30
  • Jehovah Tsori – O Lord My Strength Psalm 19:14
  • Jehovah ‘Uzam – The Lord my Strength in Trouble Is 49:26 Psalm 37:39
  • Jehovah Yasha – The Lord Thy Saviour Isaiah 49:26; 60:16

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