"Trust in Yahweh with all your heart; Do not rely on your own insight. " - Prov 3:5 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer 29:11

Friday 15 August 2014

I am Extraordinary

Our office rates our performance and categorizes them into one of the following five;

Need Improvement (Start searching for a job) =  1 point
Satisfactory Performance (If you are marked 2 in a row, you are in trouble) = 2 points
Met Expectation = 3 points
Exceeded Expectation = 4 points
Extraordinary Performer = 5 points

I work in a challenging project and I usually get 4points. It is tough though to get 4 and I was happy with my rating. I acknowledge that it was God's grace and I thank him always. My desire and ambition was to get the impossible atleast once. I was desperate to do something extraordinary to get those five points. Doing more than you are asked for looks great but I didn't know what to do to exceed the exceeded expectations.

I enquired some architects and managers and they gave me a big list of things those were; work more hours, volunteer to work in 2 or 3 projects simultaneously, learn a new technology and provide training and some said all it needs is a little luck, work in a high revenue project or a critical project with higher visibility. I was almost dejected hearing all these workaholic techniques. I was contended with my current project and I did not want to bring in more stress on me, so I closed my dream and had a hope one day I would do something out of the box to the extraordinary.

We were getting ready for this year half yearly performance rating and when I looked back at my six months, there was nothing out of the box I did or cracked a difficult bug nor completed any tasks before time(Things i usually do). I was little scared that I may get 3points. I always pray to God to get me 4 and if possible help me do something extraordinary to get a 5 but this time, I said God you are a almighty God and I want you to get me a good rating. Amen.

When the ratings were published, I was so surprised, I couldn't believe, I got the extraordinary Five! I always presumed that I need to do something out of the box to get the top rating and God needs to help me to do something extraordinary but it was like the Almighty God was smiling down on me saying, you can get a 5 if I want you to have 5. I don't know whether I deserve Five points but His promise has come to pass in my life. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires Ps37:4.

I realized the mistake when I think of a solution that would get me my heart’s desire and ask God to do that for me and get disappointed when it fails. How stupid of me!!!


  1. Hi Priya! An awesome testimony... In fact, you did not realize that you did something extra-ordinary and out-of-the-box... You prayed to our God of the impossible... Mark 10: 27 "for mortals it is impossible, BUT NOT FOR GOD; for God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE." He is our ALL-MIGHTY God... the El Shaddai, who gives us "abundantly far more than all we can ASK OR IMAGINE.." Ephesians 3:20... Enjoy the love of your Father... There is no word "luck or lucky" for God's children; it is always grace and no good thing He withholds from His children...."For the LORD God is a sun and shield; he bestows favor and honor.
    No good thing does the LORD withhold from those who walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11... Enjoy the fruits of walking upright... God bless you. Johnson

  2. This is indeed a witness of a small favor from the Lord. Time and again He testifies us that He can do all things Impossible to man.. All Glory to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...
