"Trust in Yahweh with all your heart; Do not rely on your own insight. " - Prov 3:5 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer 29:11

Sunday 27 November 2016


Hebrews 12:2 -  looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith …

If you are sick, you must know that you are already healed (Isa 53:5; 1Pet 2:24), because of the salvific work of Christ. Don’t ask, “Do I have enough faith to be healed? Do I have the right kind of faith to be healed? What if I am lacking in faith?” You are focusing on yourself and your faith, instead of Christ and His finished work.

You should be saying, “Jesus took away my sickness and He has done a perfect work.” In other words, fix your eyes on Jesus and His perfect work. Mt 8:17 says, that Jesus Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.

Remove the hindrance—your focus on your faith— by looking unto Jesus and His power. The more you focus on your faith, the more faith slips away. But if you focus on the finished work of Christ and see God’s grace toward you, God sees that as faith! Believe that Christ Himself has already borne your sickness, and you will see your miracle manifest!

Thought for the day!
Fix your eyes on Jesus and His perfect work. Jesus Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.

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